My guest today is the type of guy any entrepreneur would kill to have as a friend: He’s the conversion educator at LeadPages (which means he KNOWS what works when it comes to turning readers into buyers), ex-musician (appeared on MTV and performed in all continental US states) that used to sell vacuum cleaners, successful podcaster and entrepreneur, and above all — a seriously cool guy.
Today’s episode takes from lucking out in finding a manager for the band (wait till you hear the story) and through building an entrepreneurial career one step at a time, applying lessons from his career as a musician into his business life. Then we get our hands dirty and spend a good 20 minutes discussing some strategies for better conversions, getting traffic, and much more!

Episode Highlights:
- How you can start building your list with ease within 20 minutes – even if you don’t have a website yet!
- How to make it dead easy to get traffic (and why it’s so hard for almost everyone who misses out on the point that Tim makes on the episode).
- The most important tip Tim has for entrepreneurs – this changed his life twice. First, it got him and his band their first manager. Then years later, the same tip got him his current position at LeadPages.
- The story of the stolen wedding ring (and what to do when you realize you are miserable at your day job).
- How to create lead magnets that convert.
- The biggest mistake people make in their opt-in and sales pages.
- How to use opt-in offers to figure out what you should do (instead of waiting for the $1M idea!)
Mentioned Resources
- Click here to download the “How To Start Building Your List Before You Even Have a Website!” quick list-building checklist now!
- Twitter: @TimThePaige
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tim.paige.359
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/timthepaige
- Tim The Paige Website
- LeadPages
- ConversionCast (also available on iTunes)
- LeadBoxes
- John Lee Dumas — Entrepreneur On Fire and Podcasters Paradise
- Pat Flynn
- Clay Collins, co-founder of LeadPages
- Ryan Deiss’ Digital Marketer Blog
- Mike Dubin, CEO of Dollar Shave Club
- Amy Porterfield
- MailChimp
- AWeber
- Moz
- KISSmetrics
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