Today, we talk about a very important time period for an entrepreneur: The Transition.
Not the “before”, not the “after”, but the actual transition – into this new, challenging, unexpected and exciting lifestyle.
I’m joined today by my good friend, Greg Hickman — who only recently left his corporate job and became a full time entrepreneur. Greg runs Mobile Mixed and has become within only a few months a sought-after market influencer on all things mobile.

We chat about what often isn’t part of the entrepreneurship conversation: managing the risk when making the transition. From cashing in on 401k plans, dipping into savings, trimming down expenses and even selling the house – Greg shares with us what he and other entrepreneurs, like Amy Porterfield and John Dumas have gone through when they got started.
Episode Highlights:
- How Greg went from nobody to market influencer that gets invited to speak at the industry’s top events in less than one year.
- Using conferences for networking and how it landed Greg interviews on major podcasts such as Smart Passive Income, Internet Business Mastery, The Social Media Marketing podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield, and more!
- How to reduce risk and manage it.
- What sacrifices Greg had to make, and what made him take the dip?
- Greg’s #1 tip for an wanterpreneur that’s about to start his transition.
- The role that focus played in Greg’s path to success.
Special Bonus
I recently interviewed Greg for another show of mine (that didn’t launch yet – on account of my own focusing efforts!), where we broke down what going mobile mean, why it matters to you, and what actionable steps you should take right now to make your site and business mobile friendly.
If you already have a website, you must listen to this eye-opening session.
If you don’t have one yet, but your employer does, you should listen to this show too. Chances are you can help your existing employer transition into a more mobile-friendly presence, and win some important bonus points.
Hell, you can even start helping local businesses with going mobile after this session, and get some consulting/freelancing cash flowing in to make your transition start faster and safer.
Just click on the button below and I’ll send you the session to your inbox! 🙂
Items mentioned in this episode include:
- Mobile Mixed
- Twitter: @gjhickman
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gjhickman
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/greghickman
- Podcast: Leaving Corporate by Greg Hickman
- Berni Xiong Interview (IIP044: Purpose)
- New Media Expo
- Tropical Think Tank
- John Lee Dumas
- Amy Porterfield
- Jason Van Orden
- Corey Huff of The Abundant Artist
- Pat Flynn
- Chris Ducker
- Rick Calvert
- David Siteman Garland
- Social Media Examiner
- Social Media Marketing World Summit in San Diego
- Cabelas
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