The Do Over
If one would think of a good example of someone who’ve triumphed over the travails of life, a prime candidate would be Matt. As an author, podcaster, blogger, entrepreneur and success coach, he has shown people how to start life all over again, taking a leaf from a devastating time in his life and sharing them.
Right after finishing his tour of duty as a US Marine Corps Desert Storm veteran, he continued his career as a producer and marketer in the music industry. His music business has thrived; he was bringing in 6 figure income every month, working from noon till night, partying all night, and waking up again the next afternoon. For a guy in his twenties, there is no doubt he was living the dream.

The dawn of digital downloads took him, like many others in the music industry, by surprise. Within a few short months, his income diminished. Not reading the map, he kept trying harder and harder, repeating the formula that worked so perfectly just 6 months earlier… to no prevail. Shortly after, he hit rock bottom, went bankrupt, faced a divorce, and at 34 years old, he was flat-broke, working as a grocery store bagger for $7 an hour.
Real Estate
Running a 6-month pity party didn’t help reinstate his former glory. One day, his grocery manager told him, “Listen, Matt, if you really want the money back, if you want the life you had before, the last and the final frontier for an average person to create real wealth is real estate.” 48 hours later, Matt enrolled in real estate school, and 4 months later got his license and started selling houses.
Income has been predictable and steady, less than he was making before as a music producer, but more than enough to live on. He was doing pretty well, but what truly hit him was the fact that he was working so much, and so hard, closing deals and shuffling papers – while his customers, arrived late to meetings in denim and T-shirt, signed the papers, and were off to enjoy their lives.
“If the final frontier really is in real estate,” he thought, “then I’m sitting on the wrong side of the table. I should be the seller, not the agent.”
Becoming Real Estate Investor With No Money Down
He took the first step by jumping into an educational program which cost a hefty $20,000. “It was a leap of faith,” he explains, but it sounded right, and ended up being well worth it for Matt. The product showed him several ways to invest in real estate with no money and without using his credit score.
We discuss some of these methods in the episode, so tune in if you want to get the full picture. The bottom line is, he used the same formula, again, and again, and again, slowly but surely building enough funds to buy his first property – and lease it out. From there, once he cracked the code – it was a simple matter of rinse & repeat.
Sharing The Secrets
Instead of focusing on working hard all your life, to earn enough money to be able to make residual income off of it at the end, a system that’s failing 95% of Americans, Matt asks – why not go at it the other way around? Instead of putting 40 years into saving enough money, he asks, why not put 4 years, focused on creating streams of residual income, that bring in enough money?
This is why today, Matt’s income comes from his properties, from his online academy, and from a third “done for you” or “turn-key” company. It provides a way for busy people who want to get started with real estate, but doesn’t have the time, to have Matt’s team do it for them, and guide them hand-in-hand in their first year as property owners.
By starting a podcast to build and grow an engaged audience base, he was able to grow and improve his online academy. Then, from listening to his audience’s needs, frustrations and cravings – he came up with the idea of the turn-key business – succeeding since he was offering his audience exactly what they want.
The Difference Between You And The World’s Millionaires
Matt’s final, and powerful note, is about the biggest secrets of the successful people. Matt says that many people ask if they could pay to follow him during his day and learn his business Jedi moves. He always answers that that would be very boring to his mentorees. He insists that there’s nothing special about him, no secret ingredient that he possesses and others don’t: It’s just a matter of showing up every day and focusing on the business building tasks.
He explains that choosing a new printer, designing business cards and furnishing your office doesn’t count as business building. Getting sales, talking to your customers and prospects, following up and making sure your customers are happy – these are business building activities. “And if you repeat them, day after day, long enough – you will succeed,” he says.
I hope that you find this episode as inspiring and motivating as I did. Hey, if Matt could go from bagger in a local grocery shop to becoming an owner of a 7-figure real estate business, by simply focusing on the right steps and showing up day after day, week after week, until he reached success — why can’t you? 🙂
Items mentioned:
- Inspiring Innovation Podcast Bootcamp
- Website: http://matttheriault.com/
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: @theDoOverGuy
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dooverguru
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoOverGuru
- The Epic Real Estate Investing Podcast
- Do Over Podcast
- Epic Real Estate
- The Do Over Guy
- Andrew Warner of Mixergy
- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
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