Today, As I sat down to record the intro & outro for episode 14, which should’ve been my interview with John T. Meyer, I realized something.
The photo above is the view from the window of the room in which I am sitting. This breathtaking view of Salt Lake City, Utah, and a book I just finished reading, have helped me understand something. Something that I’ve known for a long while, but couldn’t quite explain.
I’ve always been lucky to have the most amazing, supportive, inspiring and generous friends. But – does luck really have anything to do with it? And how come I have more support from my friends today, than ever before? Is it just a lucky strike, or did I unknowingly learned the ancient secret to surrounding myself with the best people I could think of?
As I was drinking coffee and preparing my notes, I thought of Jack, Mary and Camille, who let Julie and me into their breathtakingly beautiful home after spending just 3 days together in a conference 9 months ago. I thought of Phil, who driven from L.A. at 6am in order so spend breakfast with us. I thought of amazing friends that weren’t part of my life less than a year ago – Ralph, Farnoosh, Andy (x2), Benny, John (x3), David (x4), Dennis, Lisa, Stef, Gary, Kamal, Pete, Jared, Cahill, Bernd, Rob, Chris (x2), Dino, Jaime, Gabi, Leah, Nick, Sean, Jeff, Kobi, Nati, Krista, Amy, and many others (if your name isn’t in this list, it just means I don’t want to bore my readers. If you are my friend, you have as you already know, my eternal appreciation). I realized there’s a common thread between all of these people.
Many people told me over the last few months that I’m a great networker, and asked me to share my secret with them. I’ve turned them down because I felt there is no secret. There is no system to the madness. But seeing the whole picture, I realize I do have some things to share.

So I am both excited and slightly terrified to publish today’s episode; What you’ll hear today is more of a freestyle conversation than a structured interview. I hope this one-time change of format will be both refreshing and beneficial in helping you make new friendships and relationships that will inspire you, pick you up when you’re down, and be your safety net. Your home away from home. Because this is what these people are for me. And please, let me know what you think.
Next week we’ll be back no normal programming, with John T. Meyer – CEO and co-founder of
In this episode you will learn:
- The one little habit that will make your life (networking, business, clients, personal life) a lot easier.
- Why win-win is not a friendly proposition.
- My secret of making new friends.
- How to get an interview with Amy Porterfield!
Items mentioned in this episode include:
- The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea. By Bob Burg and John David Mann
- DPP 07 : How To Master Networking And Create Friendships With Market Leaders
Sharing the love – gratitude for awesomeness!
My deepest appreciation goes this week to Steve, who made the effort to come and meet me when I was in Salt Lake City. Steve, it was a great pleasure to meet you, and I can’t wait to see your first product take form!
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Continue reading IIP 014: How To Make Meaningful Friendships In Any Industry