IIP040: How To Make 2014 Your Best Entrepreneurial Year

Inspiring Innovation Podcast
Inspiring Innovation Podcast episode 40  Get it on iTunes

4 Entrepreneurs, 4 Questions, One Amazing Year!

Happy New Year! The party is over, and now it’s time to make this year count. It’s time to make 2014 your best entrepreneurial year!

In order to achieve this mighty goal, I set up an ad-hoc mastermind with three inspiring entrepreneurs, on the last day of 2013.

Together, we will each answer the following 4 questions: 

  • What are the most important non-fiction books that every entrepreneur needs to read this year?
  • What podcasts (other than this one!) should an entrepreneur follow in 2014?
  • What’s one thing that really worked for each of us in 2013, that you should try in order to make 2014 work for you?
  • What’s the one thing we’re each going to focus on in 2014?

My Partners In Crime

Srini Rao

Srini Rao

He is the creator and host of Blogcastfm, where he interviewed over 400 successful entrepreneurs in almost 4 years.

The-Art-of-Being-Unmistakable-sirini-Rao-Glenn-Beck-BookIn 2013 he wrote a book called The Art of Being Unmistakeable: A Collection of Essays About Making A Dent In The Universe among other amazing achievements (that we will discuss in greater detail in the episode)

David Janner

David Janner
David Janner

He’s a medical doctor by training that left the profession years ago to become an entrepreneur, aiming at making a $100,000 monthly revenue.

Make App Mag logo He produces apps full-time for iOs, Blackberry and Google Play, and also intermittently writes on his blog – Makeappmag.com

If you want to hear amazing tips on goal setting and setting crazy-high goals, check out my interview with him at IIP033: The Flea Circus, And Making $100,000 A Month!

Jared Easley

Jared Easley and his family
Jared Easley and his family

Starve The Doubts by Jared Easley
Just a year ago I met Jared at Pat Flynn’s meetup in Vegas. A year later – he hosts the podcasting sensation, ‘Starve The Doubts‘, where he already featured amazing guests (like Seth Godin) and now – he’s an NMX speaker!


The Answers!

What are the must-read books for entrepreneurs in 2014?

Little Bets - How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries by Peter Sims

Srini: I recommend Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries by Peter Sims. It’s all about how doing small things can lead to bigger things; taking affordable loses (things that won’t bankrupt you or leave you destitute) approach to the risk and innovation. Anybody who does creative work should have this book in their arsenal.

A Million Miles In a Thousand Years - How I Learned To Live A Better Story by Donald Miller

Jared: I recommend A Million Miles In a Thousand Years: How I Learned To Live A Better Story by Donald Miller. This book was recommended to me by Peter Billingham, one of my listeners. It’s a book that challenged and inspired me; it’s about telling a bigger and better story.


Flourish - A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being by Martin E. P. Seligman

Learned Optimism - How To Change Your Mind and Your Life Martin E. P. SeligmanDavid: I’m currently been reading books by Martin E. P. Seligman, one of the founders of the Positive Psychology Movement. One that I recommend is Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being by Martin E. P. Seligman and the other one is Learned Optimism: How To Change Your Mind and Your Life Martin E. P. Seligman
– what I like about Martin’s books is it’s evidence-based a scientific studies unlike other gurus
– In his book, I learned to do the “gratitude of 3 blessings”, a habit before going to sleep at night to write 3 good things that happened in the day

The Pumpkin Plan - A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business In Any Field of Mike Michalowicz

Meron: I recommend The Pumpkin Plan: A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business In Any Field of Mike Michalowicz, which tells the concept of kicking out the ‘best practice’ – of trying to get tons of customers, and realizing that you don’t need tons; you just need the right customers that are like you. You want only the customers that you understand, and understand you. That’s how you make a business that makes you happy and not just makes you money.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield


Another one would be The War of Art: Break Through The Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield, which helped me realize when, where and how I was self-sabotaging and failing myself due to my own fears and doubts.

What podcasts should an entrepreneur follow in 2014?

Srini: I recommend Off Camera by Sam Jones; Jones interviews comedians, musicians, filmmakers and people like Tony Hawk and Stacy Peralta — a bizarre mix of people you don’t typically find in the online world.

Jared: Although it’s not about entrepreneurship, I’m recommending Parenting On Purpose by Dr. David Barnes, which is good for families and raising kids. Another one would be Ray Edwards Podcast, which is for creating sales copies.

David: I recommend something I discovered in Inspiring Innovation — Eventual Millionaire by Jaime Tardy.

Meron: Mixergy, a must-listen podcast for any entrepreneur.

What’s one thing that really worked for you in 2013, that entrepreneurs should try in order to make 2014 work for them?

Jared: First is the simple act of doing. Go ahead and take that step because no one wins by sitting on the sidelines; you have to get in the game. You may not have all the answers but just thinking about your current job or business, you didn’t have the answers when you first started that. You were either mentored or asked questions to people who knew and you learned. As you learned, you get to be competent; you’ll figure things out and you shift and pivot along the way.

Second, Consider being the “noticer“. If you can first notice other people, there’s a likelihood that those people will begin to notice what you’re doing, and the law of reciprocity will eventually kick in. So, for people who are trying to build an audience or trying to grow their brand, consider ways that you can notice your prospect first and that will have a powerful opportunity to build up into a rapport-building relationship which can then grow to be a client or customer.

David: Get a business coach or get someone to mentor you, especially if you feel a bit stuck, not quite sure, you’ve been trying and been going at it for awhile, but things haven’t been quite fallen into place, I think sometimes you need a bit of outside perspective that can help get you on track.

The Power of Habit by Charles DuhiggSrini: Write a thousand words a day. It’s done wonders for me. Don’t think of it as a task or a to-do, think of it as a habit. To learn how to form this habit – check out The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg  [we go through Srini’s  habit cue, routine and reward loop in the episode – MB].

The thousand words don’t have to be good. By creating all these crap, you’ll be able to find gold.

Meron: Figuring out who’s your avatar, who are you really talking to. This helped me immensely realize what I can offer them and what do they really need. Once I did that, the resonance multiplied by a huge factor.

What’s the one thing you’ll focus on in 2014?

Srini: The Instigator Experience, the conference we’re doing that will make a lasting impact and complete other things.

Meron: Shipping. I need to stop worrying about if things will do well or not – just ship and find out. The focus is going to be to get things out the door.

Jared: Shipping, too. I have a product launch coming out and I wanted to do more meet-ups. I see the power of meeting face-to-face and at this point in the game for me — I’m just new and don’t have a massive audience yet — that just makes sense to continue to do that: Strategic alignment with key people just like Inspiring Innovation — bringing people together and learning from them, he’s going to do that as well.

David: The plan is to focus on the App market, create bigger apps and games, and also pre-empt some adjacent services which will be offered to app developers.

Final words…

Srini: Really, at the end of the day, it just boils down to your tolerance for risk. The more you keep upping the ante and the more you keep trying bigger things, the more interesting outcomes you’ll get. The other thing you have to realize is it’s not just about winning, but also learning. If you do something and it doesn’t work and you learn and develop a skill that you can lead on to something else, that can be tremendously useful.

Jared: Read ‘Little Bets’, read ‘Flourish’ and listen to ‘Mixergy’!

David: A lot of people are focused on finding their passion and can be paralyzing sometimes. It’s great to find something you are passionate about – if you manage to.

I think it’s better to focus on doing and seizing opportunities that you see. Sometimes passion comes later; you can find passion in what you’re doing. If you really want to leave your job and start a business, then just start even if it’s not perfect. That might give you the opportunity to leave your job and later down the track, do something that you’re really passionate about once you already have the funds and can do that more easily.

Meron: This quote: “I won’t let anybody walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” –Gandhi

Look, you hear these podcasts, read these books and blogs, have all these inspiration and then someone close to you — friends or family or whatever — somebody just crushes your confidence. If you want 2014 to be amazing, you really need to resist that.

Items mentioned in this episode include

1 FREE Audiobook Credit RISK-FREE from Audible.com

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Stay awesome,



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Continue reading IIP040: How To Make 2014 Your Best Entrepreneurial Year

IIP039: New Year Resolutions and 12-Minute Athlete

Inspiring Innovation Podcast
Inspiring Innovation Podcast episode 39  Get it on iTunes

Herb gardens… New Year resolutions…  getting fit…and …

Making things happen in 2014!

It’s our last episode for 2013, so it’s time for some good ol’ new year’s resolutions …

Or is it?

A New Angle On New Year Resolutions

Today’s episode starts with unexpected lessons learned from… my herb garden.

Wait, what?

Julie and I  always wanted to have a herb garden. We imagined ourselves making  peppermint and lemon grass tea, using rosemarie, sage and green onion for cooking, the whole sha-bang.  So we finally planted one in 2013 (I know, you probably can’t contain the excitement! Read on 🙂 .)

So on today’s episode you will find out what our garden taught us about life, and why it made me revisit the way I do my new year resolutions. You’d be surprised what mother nature can show you :).

The episode goes on to some reflections on the year that’s ending; What worked? What were my shortcomings? What to do when your year ends up so far away from your original plan that the seem ridiculous?

Then I share my plans for the first three months of 2014, which I’d love your input on, and I’d love to hear YOUR PLANS! Let’s keep each other accountable. (Come to think of it, it’s one thing I forgot to mention in this episode – the accountability factor.)

And of course, as always, we are joined by a very interesting guest.

Today’s Guest: The 12-Minute Athlete – Krista Stryker, HIIT Superhero

My guest today has a lot to celebrate as this year comes to a close.

Krista Stryker is the founder and creator of ’12-Minute Athlete’, which started as a website filled with effective workouts you can do at home that take….12 minutes! (Hence, the 12-minute athlete.)

Krista Stryker - The 12 Minute Athlete
Krista Stryker – The 12 Minute Athlete

Instead of spending hours in the gym with all the fancy equipment, Krista claims you can be just as fit by doing high intensity interval training (abbreviated HIIT) from your own home. Stressing on the phrase: “Don’t waste life in a gym,” Krista shows us why we don’t really need to go to the gym to workout, and why our workout doesn’t need to take so much of our time. 

She launched her business in October 2012, and 2013 was a major year of growth for her. I think  she’s the perfect guest to end 2013 with, and here’s why:

  1. If you’re anything like me – you probably have “Getting into shape” or something similar in your bucket list for the coming year. If you’re much like me – you’re already dreading the idea of signing up to that gym, or of making the time needed to accomplish this goal.
  2. Which is why Krista is the perfect guest. Following her motto – “Don’t waste life in a gym” – her training regime only requires 12 minutes of hard work, every couple of days. Sounds like a sweet proposition to me!
  3. I think that new year’s eve is the best time to celebrate one’s achievements, and just completing her first year with 12-Minute Athlete, Krista has a lot to share and celebrate!
  4. Having only completing her first year, she has a lot of fresh lessons and tips to share, that I hope will help you make 2014 YOUR ENTREPRENEURIAL YEAR!

The different struggles and choices she had to make are familiar and very relatable to any entrepreneur. Listen to today’s episode to find out:

Episode Highlights

  • What can a herb garden teach you about business?
  • Why I ditched new year resolutions.
  • How did Krista get started once she had her idea?
  • Krista’s tips from her first year as online fitness entrepreneur.
  • The power of a mastermind, and how can you get into one?
  • How to start networking.
  • Our do’s and don’ts for those attending NMX (or any conference for that matter)

Items mentioned in this episode include

$100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

1 FREE Audiobook Credit RISK-FREE from Audible.com

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The Inspiring Innovation VIP member club has opened up, and the founding members that join now will get a lifetime free membership. The club will give you:

    1. Direct access to the show’s guests. You ask them anything you want – they answer on the interview.
    2. Exclusive episodes, content and tools
    3. Early access to the weekly episodes.

Imagine being able to ask people like Pat Flynn, Dane Maxwell, and Krista anything you want, and have them personally answer you. If you’re interested, hurry up to make sure you will be part of the founding members wave. Join here.

Stay awesome,

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Continue reading IIP039: New Year Resolutions and 12-Minute Athlete

IIP037: How To Make Money From Your Blog, Even If You Don’t Have A Lot Of Traffic

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Inspiring Innovation Podcast episode 37  Get it on iTunes

The Bottom Line

Even if your blog has little traffic, you still have a lot of influence. Bloggers are the celebrities of today and tomorrow, and brands are willing to pay you for your influence. And now, there’s an easy way to have them find you.

Blog Monetization In 2014

This week we are joined by Dino Dogan, CEO of Triberr. On Dino’s previous appearance on the show, he managed to mention Hitler and Steve Jobs in the same sentence and sparked a lot of attention. That was episode 11: How To Get More Attention To Your Blog And Make Your Fans Insanely Loyal

Dino Dogan
Dino Dogan – CEO of Triberr

Now, Dino is back to share a lot of very interesting bits that will be a part of his session for the upcoming NMX 2014 in Las Vegas this January, and I wanted you to be the first to know.

What’s Today’s Session All About?

For more than two years, Dino and his team at Triberr have gone through lengths in discovering and sharing new ways and strategies to help bloggers create powerful content distribution by closely collaborating with other bloggers, sharing each others content, and building tribes that scale quickly and massively.

For example: I’m a member of a tribe that has 12 members, but the compound audience reach is over 362,000 people. This has been an incredibly powerful tool for many bloggers, and now Triberr have taken it to the next step.

From the big brands’ point of view, a single blogger with a moderate-to-low audience doesn’t make much of a difference. His reach is not big enough. But what happened when you put 10, 20, 50 or a 100 in one tribe, with specific goals and milestones to achieve? Suddenly these bloggers — together — can move the needle even for Nike!

And that’s the future that just went live on Triberr: Brand campaigns. It’s kind of like Kickstarter in reverse; instead of raising money, brands are raising awareness by building a campaign tribe of bloggers, podcasts, YouTubers, etc. that will be their brand ambassadors and create word of mouth for them.

While a single blogger previously had no chance of getting paid by brands like Godiva’s, Cottonelle, TOMS Shoes or Almay — when he creates his bargaining power by collaborating with other bloggers — he gets attention, AND money. This is not wishful thinking; this is what has been happening on Triberr over the last few months, according to Dogan.

The Best Part (A.K.A. Episode Highlights)

  • You can start getting paid for your blog even if you don’t have massive traffic numbers
  • It doesn’t cost you a penny.
  • Not only do you get paid, but you also get tons of shares and social media boost from all your other tribe-mates.
  • You get the social proof of being a paid brand ambassador. That’s great both for shushing your family, but also for how your blog is perceived by other bloggers, your readership, and future sponsors.
  • It’s FREE!! Have I mentioned that? 🙂

How Can You Start?

To know more, tune in to this week’s exciting episode (the play button is at the top). After you learn all the details, join the Inspiring Innovation Tribe and introduce yourself. Dino & I are looking forward to see you there. 🙂


Items Mentioned:

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk

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Continue reading IIP037: How To Make Money From Your Blog, Even If You Don’t Have A Lot Of Traffic

IIP033: The Flea Circus, And Making $100,000 A Month!

Inspiring Innovation Podcast
Inspiring Innovation Podcast episode 33  Get it on iTunes

From Physician to Appreneur: What made David Janner, an Australian physician, travel across the ocean and become an AppPreneur in a country like Israel?

What does it take to leave a profession, which is highly regarded and financially rewarding in most countries, and become an entrepreneur?

More than that – the first entrepreneur in your close family.

What limiting beliefs and glass ceilings do you need to challenge, conquer and shatter in order to reach your new monetary goal: Making $100,000 a month!

In today’s fascinating and inspiring episode, we have David Jenner, an entrepreneur and appreneur best known for his digital magazine — Make App Magazine.

Although his magazine is in the front, most of his work today surrounds something called ‘app skinning’, which we already covered on our interview with Benny Hsu. Aiming at having 200 apps in the Apple AppStore by 2014, David now has tens of contractors working for him day and night.

How did he make this career and life shift? Get valuable lessons from his entrepreneurial journey on today’s episode, including:

  • How effective goal-settings made all the difference for David
  • Where his entrepreneurial education came from (and why it made him stay in his room for his entire vacation in Thailand!)
  • Why he left the medical world
  • How meditation keeps him focused on his short-term and long-term goals
  • How he manages his time effectively and productively
  • How he handles fear and stress
  • And more!

Get your dose of inspiration, amazing advice and business tips in today’s Inspiring Innovation Podcast episode – your weekly backstage pass to success.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

Make App Magazine Cover 1

Great by Choice by Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen

Good To Great by Jim Collins

Get Some Headspace by Andy Puddicombe

1 FREE Audiobook Credit RISK-FREE from Audible.com

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Become an Inspiring Innovation VIP Founding Member

The Inspiring Innovation VIP member club has opened up, and the founding members that join now will get a lifetime free membership. The club will give you:

    1. Direct access to the show’s guests. You ask them anything you want – they answer on the interview.
    2. Exclusive episodes, content and tools
    3. Early access to the weekly episodes.

Imagine being able to ask people like Pat Flynn, Dane Maxwell, and David anything you want, and have them personally answer you. If you’re interested, hurry up to make sure you will be part of the founding members wave. Join here.

Stay awesome,

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Continue reading IIP033: The Flea Circus, And Making $100,000 A Month!

IIP032: From Being A Chicken To Making Millions, Story Of Andrew Warner and Mixergy

Inspiring Innovation Podcast
Inspiring Innovation Podcast episode 32  Get it on iTunes

How does someone who’s too much of a chicken to talk to people during the day about his business start a company that ends up making just shy of $40M in annual sales? And what makes him ditch, and start a new venture – aimed at inspiring and helping worldwide entrepreneurs achieve success?

Today we are joined by the founder of Mixergy – Andrew Warner.

On this episode, Andrew shares his entrepreneurial journey – from getting drawn into entrepreneurship, being crippled by self-doubts and limiting beliefs, to creating a multi-million dollar online business with his brother and finally – finding his calling in shape of a mission to help other entrepreneurs reach success.

Andrew Warner, founder of Mixergy
Andrew Warner – founder of Mixergy

Tune in for his amazing personal story, shared with jaw-dropping honesty, and find out:

  • How Andrew overcame his own limiting beliefs?

  • Why Andrew gave away his email during the show (hint: He has something for you, that will help you with your self doubts and limiting beliefs)

  • Why Andrew jumped ship from his previous business, that was making almost $40M in annual sales?

  • What made Andrew realize his calling, and how it manifested into Mixergy?

  • Why Andrew charges for Mixergy, and why he thinks you need to stop being a wuss and charge, too!

  • Andrew’s best tips on creating a captivating interview-based show.

Get tons of valuable advice, business tips and be inspired in today’s Inspiring Innovation Podcast episode – your weekly backstage pass to success.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

1 FREE Audiobook Credit RISK-FREE from Audible.com

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Become an Inspiring Innovation VIP Founding Member

The Inspiring Innovation VIP member club has opened up, and the founding members that join now will get a lifetime free membership. The club will give you:

    1. Direct access to the show’s guests. You ask them anything you want – they answer on the interview.
    2. Exclusive episodes, content and tools
    3. Early access to the weekly episodes.

Imagine being able to ask people like Pat Flynn, Dane Maxwell, and Andrew anything you want, and have them personally answer you. If you’re interested, hurry up to make sure you will be part of the founding members wave. Join here.

Stay awesome,

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Continue reading IIP032: From Being A Chicken To Making Millions, Story Of Andrew Warner and Mixergy