Today’s episode is all about a crazy thing that happened this week. And what a week it’s been! Actually, scratch that: What two weeks it has been… (Maybe 3 weeks?) I don’t know.
You know how sometimes — no matter what you do — you just can’t seem to get back on the horse?
That’s how it’s been here recently. Tons of shit hitting the fan — of all different colors:
- Tech stuff blowing up (not literally)
- Sick dog
- House under insect attack
- And some other stuff
Bottom line is, the last few weeks weren’t easy — especially this week. Then, I got an amazing phone call (you’ll hear about it on the episode), with an amazing opportunity (seriously… listen to the episode!) that brightened up my entire week.
But here’s the cool part: This phone call, and the opportunity that came with it, would never had happened had I not put a little dream out there and told the universe what I want. And guess what? Sometimes, the universe gives you just that.
So check out today’s (super short) episode to find out the story, including the opportunity that I got, and our surprise, MASSIVE, HUGE, AMAZING guest on tomorrow’s show. (Confused about having two episodes this week? You should listen to find out more!)
Then, come back here, scroll down to the bottom, and put your something out there. Comment below and share one tiny (or huge) dream — and see what happens next 🙂
Items mentioned on this episode
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