“Since I was a teenager, I always wanted to change the world. I wanted to make it a better place. And I’m doing that, in a very concrete and real way for the families that are benefiting from our work. And that is the most incredible feeling in the world.” –Elaine Taylor-Klaus
In episode 42 of Inspiring Innovation Podcast, we are joined by Elaine Taylor-Klaus, co-founder of ImpactADHD, a professional certified coach, parent coach, a writer, speaker, educator and above all – a mom.
In this honest and eye-opening interview, Elaine shares how she went through the first ten years of raising children with undiagnosed ADHD, and the pain and stress that it created – the hardships in school and social contact and how it bled into the family’s daily life. How it affected everyone’s happiness inside the Taylor-Klaus home, and the helplessness that she felt, going from doctor to doctor, therapist to therapist, trying to find an answer that will balance her home.
How did her passion for understanding ADHD get started?

Once her children have been diagnosed with ADHD, Elaine was determined to become a therapist:
“As god is my witness, no parent should ever have to go through alone what I went through in those first ten years” —Elaine Taylor-Klaus
Being a full-time mother of 3, she couldn’t find any program that fit her schedule. Then, she discovered coaching, and in that – her life’s calling.
Together with her co-founder, Diane Dempster, they founded ImpactADHD, where they focus on training and coaching parents on how to raise kids with ADHD or other behavioral problems the right, and empowering way.
Discover. Learn. Be inspired.
Take away tons of golden entrepreneurship lessons from today’s episode, including:
- When should you say no to customers and niche down?
- How to start charging money and feel GOOD about it?
- How to handle failure and the fear of it?
- How to make a huge change in your life and profession to follow your inner calling?
Items mentioned:
- Twitter: @ICoachParents
- Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
- ImpactADHD
- Diane Dempster
- CHADD Conference
- parentprograms.net
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Continue reading IIP042: Full-Time Mother of 3 Becomes Entrepreneur