How To Plan, Set Up, And Present A Webinar That Converts

In this episode you will discover how to plan, set up, and present a money-making webinar… with ease!

On our previous episode, Amy Porterfield and I discussed the power of webinars. We talked about using Facebook ads combined with webinars to turn any business into a money-making machine.

Even in 2015, webinars are still among the best ways to drive online sales and create a sustainable income. This is true whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, or even a brick and mortar business owner.

But how do you create a webinar that sells, without being overly salesey? How much of your content should you be sharing? How should you structure the webinar? What tools and systems should you use to set it up? All great questions!

That’s why I asked the world-leading webinars expert, Steven Essa, to join us today!

Steven Essa

In the last 7 years Steven has helped hundreds of people make tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars through webinars.

If you’re interested in driving more customers and sales to your business, whether it’s an online or not – this episode is for you.

Click play now:

How To Create A Webinar – Episode Highlights

  • What systems are available and which one should you use?
  • How to structure your webinar?
  • How to make you webinar engaging?
  • Are automated webinars right for you?
  • How long should your webinar be?
  • How to structure an effective pitch?
  • What to do if a webinar isn’t selling well?
  • Why is the webinar’s title important, and what should it focus on?
  • What makes the audience decide they want to buy from you?
  • The #1 biggest mistake people make on a webinar

Mentioned Resources

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4 thoughts on “How To Plan, Set Up, And Present A Webinar That Converts”

  1. Hey Meron!

    Great episode! I’m actually setting up my very first webinar which will go live next week. I saw you post this on Facebook and knew this episode was a “must-listen” for me.

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. Hey Ellory!

      What’s the webinar about, mate? If it’s for your podcasting system, this episode was perfect hey?? 🙂 When is your webinar going live? Do share 🙂

  2. Hey there – thank you so much for this fantastic episode!
    It has helped a lot
    I am wondering how I can use this to sell essential oils

    Is this a good Title: Discover how to use the power of essential oils to revolutionize your healthcare???
    Is this a good promise: today you are going to discover a cheaper, safer more effective healthcare option thanks to the power of essential oils??

    For my proof I would use testimonials?
    For my steps I would show them how they work, why they are effective?
    But how could I transition???

    If you could help I would really love it
    Thank you

    1. Angela, it sounds great!

      The only question I have is – what does “revolutionize your healthcare” include? Maybe there are many different benefits in there that would cause your target audience to say “Hell yeah!!” quicker, like maybe – “Discover how to use the power of essential oils to revolutionize your healthcare and reduce wrinkles by 70%” (if that is true, I don’t know!) , or “look 10 years younger”, etc.

      I know nothing about essential oils whatsoever. So take this with a grain of salt. But I just feel that perhaps “healthcare” is a bit vague and you could be more specific. What do you think? Does that make sense?

      2. Testimonials are GREAT proof!

      Let me know about the questions I asked and then let’s brainstorm your close! So exciting!!!

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