Pat Flynn was rocking his career as a young architect.
Actually, Pat was one of the youngest people in the firm to ever become a Job Captain. Things were going great. He was working hard at the job he always dreamed of. He just got engaged.
Pat was one of the top performers in the company, but when the economy tanked – it didn’t matter. Everybody around him were losing their jobs. No one was building anything. The architecture market dried up completely.
One day, Pat’s Time Has Come.
He was called to his boss’s office. His safe job was gone. With no openings anywhere, Pat was stuck. What will he do with his life?

He remembered that he heard that some people were making money from the internet. As it turned out, due to his rigorous studying habits, he was sitting on “internet gold”. That’s how the story of one of today’s most inspiring and influential internet entrepreneur began.
Today Pat is the proud owner of Smart Passive Income, and is running a business generating over $50,000 monthly. How? That’s what we’re going to talk about today.
In this episode you will learn:
- What it takes to succeed with your online business
- How Pat earned $7,905 dollars on the first month of launching his first online product – and why it wasn’t an “overnight success”
- How Pat added more businesses to his portfolio
- How Pat runs his iPhone apps business
- Why he shares his detailed monthly income report online
- How Pat converted an avid hater to a fan
- Pat’s tips for a new entrepreneur – do you need to follow a passion? and more!
- How to find your unfair advantage and use it to stand out and succeed in a saturated niche
- Who inspires Pat, and Pat’s favorite resources
- How I scored this interview with Pat, and what’s the important lesson I learned from the process
Items mentioned in this episode include:
- Pat’s bestselling book – Let Go; Amazon Kindle
/ Snippet App (iOS) iPhone, iPad
- Ralph Quintero – The Great Business Project
- Benny Hsu (founder of Photo365) – GetBusyLivingBlog.com
- Darren Rowse – Problogger.com
- The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated)
- Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
- Yaro Starak – Entrepreneur’s Journey
- Corbett Barr – Thinktraffic.net
- J.D. Roth – Getrichslowly.org
- Adam Baker – ManVsDebt.com
- Lain Ehmann episode on SPI podcast – using your unfair advantage (to create a six-figure business from scrapbooks!)
- Derek Halpern- SocialTriggers.com
- Pat Flynn; Facebook, Twitter @PatFlynn, Website
- 7 Examples For Taking Advantage of Your Unfair Advantage
Sharing the love – gratitude for reviews!
My deepest appreciation to all of you (comment or email me if you want to be removed from the list):
- Kris de Leon – BetterFutureAbroad.com
- John Lee Dumas – EntrepreneurOnFire.com
- Jared Easley – Starve The Doubts
- Pete Sveen – Think Entrepreneurship
- Readingfarie
- Tomer Zilberstein
- Phil Lopez – One Great Life
- Jeff Brown
- Fred from Shanghai
- John Corcoran – Smart Business Revolutions
- Greg Hickman – Mobile Mixed (the absolute best mobile marketing podcast on iTunes!!)
- Mark Mathis – eCommerce Startup Magazine
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