David Shen is the world’s highest paid dating and relationship coach for women, making over $20,000 per month.
David targets women between the ages of 25 to 55. But unlike many of his competitors, he realizes that targeting by demography only won’t get him far. Instead, he targets by the needs and values of his customers: Where are they in their life? What’s stopping them from having a successful relationship? What do they need to work on?
At college, David studied Physiotherapy. Being a broke student that just left home, he was living on free cookies that were available at the hospital he was working at. He made a decision that once he graduates, this will never be his life.

So, once he was out of university, he started looking for a business he could build for himself. He did some motivational speeches at local high-schools, but the income was neither dependable nor sufficient. He kept hearing about “these Internet marketers” – making millions from selling e-books at $47 a piece, so he decided that internet marketing was the way to go.
Being a golfer, he decided to write an e-book about it. He spent months developing the sales page and tweaking the product. Finally he put it on ClickBank (an online marketplace for affiliating other people’s products) and launched.
Nothing happened.
It turned out that David neglected two major parts of any successful business that are also the key to a successful product launch: Market research, and Lead generation. Continue reading IIP019: Making $20,000 A Month Working One Hour A Day